Come Away By Yourselves
"Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." These words of Jesus Christ are an invitation to personal and intimate prayer. The meditations offered in this podcast are intended to help the listener enter into his own prayerful relationship with God. By reflecting on scenes from the Gospel, on other passages from Scripture, and on the insights of saints and spiritual writers, we can strengthen our faith in Jesus and our love for God. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, "I have called you my friends." By regular meditation and dialogue with Our Lord in prayer, our life can be transformed into an ever deepening and loving friendship with God.
Come Away By Yourselves
Holiness on Loan
Fr. John Grieco
Season 2
Episode 38
The Christian's call to holiness is a mysterious reality. How can we be holy when holiness is exclusive to God and underlines his transcendent otherness? How can we be perfect who are obviously sinful and weak? Only by possessing and being possessed by Christ is holiness possible for us. Sanctity is to have him live in us through the sacraments, our prayer life, and our gradual imitation of his life and dispositions.